Squid coast

You will start with a basic weapon, a sword there are other weapons you can get during levels. Follow the yellow arrow and kill enemys you use the right trigger to shoot arrows.Use them to shoot skeletons. There are chests too one chest that is apart from the land you can roll over to there.


camp is how you navigate,place runes and get the secret moo level: ??? we will get to runes later. Go do creeper woods

Creeper woods

objectives are for knowing what to do,for creeper woods are objectives are, free the villager,find the caravan,escape creeper woods,ect. we will be freeing villagers. and then escaping. There will be a big ambush at the end. try and run past them to the exit

Pumkin pastures

As you progress you will face many ambushes. You will also encounter a evoker to see more on evoker go to bosses.

there will also be a final boss this has more health and attack damage see more on bosses.

Soggy swamp