Welcome to my Website!

on this website I will give you a basic walkthrough of final fantasy 9 .

It will teach you how to stay strong and not die.

this is the main bad guy kuja and forget the words at the top those are not important

evil forest

we will start off in the evil forest on finding the princess.

go save with the moogle out side the wreck then go through the half hollow log . battle until you are lv. 8 then go save with the moogle. go back through the hollow log then go to oppisite side of were you came.

there you will fight a monster that holds the princess it will drain her health .be sure to use potions on her. do not use dyne when you get trance you will kill the princess and end your game .

fight this monster until it swings upward and flees. you are not done with the monster yet. the monster will come back capturing vivi. heal vivi to. this time you will kill the monster if you make the right moves and get vivi

vivi will do fire after every round of attacks

nex t you will end up in the ship talk to the boss up stairs then go down stairs at the bottom of the stairs get a wrist. then go through the archway. go down the stairs and then into the room across from there

you will talk to the boss then go back through the door the boss will ask you if you are ready say not yet go to the top of the screen there is treasure get it.

go back and say yes next you will battle him make sure to steal a iron sword.smetimes he will stumble and lose his turn.

after you beat him he will give you premisson to go outside the ship go back up the stairs and go to the door right in front of you you will get steiner and walk back out go back in and get the treasure by the stool

go through